Human-Powered Skiing in the Borderlands
a Chapter of the Catamount Trail Association

Not sure where to go? Come on a free guided tour, led by DHASH members.
Winter 2023/24 Schedule of DHASH Guided Tours in the Borderlands
Tours are hosted by DHASH and the Catamount Trail Association. Please contact the tour leader for meeting time and place. All tours are free and open to anyone (you don’t need to be a DHASH or CTA member to participate), though you’ll want to make sure the tour is within your ability. Questions? Ask the tour leader.
Backcountry tours are typically skin-up, ski or ride down, on AT, telemark or splitboard equipment. The focus is on descending steeper slopes, typically the cleared trails at the old Dutch Hill Ski Area.
Cross country tours are just that, classic cross country skiing on ungroomed trails. Most any cross country gear will work, though lightweight skis and boots used on groomed trails are not recommended.
Cross country downhill (XCD) tours are a mix of both backcountry and cross country. Waxless skis with skins will work best on this tour.
We intentionally do NOT list the meeting time and place because the tour leaders need to know who plans to come So get in touch with the tour leader using the contact info listed. If not enough people sign up by the Thursday before the event, the tour might be cancelled.
Backcountry & XCD Tours
January 7 and 21, February 4 and 18, March 3 and 31 (snow permitting) 2024
Introduction to Dutch Hill Tour Series – Come see what DHASH is doing at Dutch Hill, and see the potential for the future. Join us as we skin up and ski down some of the historic ski trails of Dutch Hill in Readsboro and new glades created by DHASH. This is not a beginner tour. Tele skiers, AT-skiers and split-boarders will need climbing skins or good climbing skills and be able to control downhill speed. Typically a less-than-one-hour climb, then lunch at the top to enjoy the view. Tele-turning skills are useful but not required for the descent. We can do laps until your legs quit! Exact route will vary and depend on conditions and participants. If conditions are poor, we can tour to the top of Dutch Hill proper, about a two-hour loop. This requires climbing and descending skills, but more gradual descents. See www.dhash4vt.org for more information on the Dutch Hill Ski Area and the Dutch Hill Alliance of Skiers and Hikers.
Contact Sam Bartlett for meeting time and location: sam@bart-tech.com (Put CTA in the subject line to get past filters) or 413-834-0274.
Sunday, Feb 11, 2024
Want to explore Dutch Hill but aren’t confident about your downhill skills? We’ll skin to the top and take a few mellow runs down the easier trails, waiting for everyone along the way.
Contact Jeff Nugent for meeting time and location: jnugent.vt@gmail.com or 802-257-1325.
Saturday, Feb 24, 2024
We'll climb to the top of the old ski area and tour through the woods to the summit vista, then descend on a snowmobile trail and the easier downhill trails. For those who have the energy we'll then do a few more downhill laps. Waxless skis with skins will work best on this, a true tour of Dutch Hill. Suitable for beginner backcountry skiers or intermediate/advanced cross country skiers.
Contact Jeff Nugent for meeting time and location: jnugent.vt@gmail.com or 802-257-1325.
Cross Country Tours on and around the Catamount Trail
Saturday, January 20, 2024
Section 2: Harriman Dam to Route 9 (Wilmington)
This tour is 11 miles of fairly flat and easy skiing. The first 8 miles is wilderness with no bailout points. Our pace will accommodate the slowest skier in the group. Tour cancels if insufficient sign-up by prior Thursday. Tour might be cancelled or rerouted due to logging operations.
Contact: Sam Bartlett, sam@bart-tech.com (Put CTA in subject line to get past filters) or 413-834-0274
Friday, January 26th to Monday January 29th, 2024
Multi-Day Tour on Sections 1-4 of the Catamount Trail (Reasboro to Stratton)
Contact: for more information, https://catamounttrail.org/cta-tours/multi-day-tours/multi-day-tour-3/
Saturday, February 3, 2024
Section 1: Harriman Dam to Route 100 (Readsboro) and back
A good introduction to the backcountry for novice skiers. It follows an easy 6 miles on a backcountry abandoned railroad grade along the Deerfield River. A short, steep section can easily be walked. Our pace will accommodate the slowest skier. The tour leader will cancel if there are insufficient sign-ups by the prior Thursday.
Contact: Sam Bartlett, sam@bart-tech.com (Put CTA in subject line to get past filters) or 413-834-0274