Human-Powered Skiing in the Borderlands
a Chapter of the Catamount Trail Association
Dutch Hill is temporarily closed
The US Forest Service has announced that DUTCH HILL is CLOSED to skiing, riding, sledding and any other recreational activities until the timber harvest has been completed on that section of the mountain. Click here to read the latest update and the official USFS documents.
Please respect this request from the USFS and stay off the mountain until the logging job is finished. We'll send out an email when it is reopened.
What is DHASH?
Backcountry skiing.
Cross-country touring.
Telemark skiing.
Split board riding.
Whatever type of human-powered sliding you love, whatever you call it, if you want to do it in southern Vermont or northwestern Massachusetts (the "Borderlands"), then you'll want to be part of DHASH (pronounced "dash").
DHASH is a Chapter of the Catamount Trail Association. Our goal is to help skiers enjoy winter in our area, and to work with landowners and managers to make more non-commercial skiing opportunities available. We are organizing volunteer work parties to create and maintain ski trails, glades, and slopes. DHASH was formed in the fall of 2016, and our first project is working with the U.S. Forest Service's Green Mountain National Forest to improve skiing options at the former Dutch Hill ski area in Readsboro, VT. Thus our name: Dutch Hill Alliance of Skiers and Hikers, or DHASH.
But our vision isn't limited to Dutch Hill. As we grow we plan to embrace projects throughout the borderlands area. Maybe someday our name will change to Deerfield Hoosac Association of Skiers and Hikers, to embrace the two big rivers that drain the mountains we ski in. Whatever it stands for, we'll be DHASHing.

How to get updates direct from DHASH
Want to get emails about upcoming work days, group tours, clinics, etc? The best way is to become a CTA/DHASH member. But we won't freeze you out if you decide you can't afford the modest dues. We send email announcements to anyone who is willing to come out and volunteer. You can read our latest newsletter here.
Attention GMAIL users: Haven't been getting your DHASH emails? Gmail has started funneling our messages into the "Promotions" or "Social" tab. Look for one of our messages there, and drag it back into your Primary mail box to get your DHASH mail where you will see it right away.

Dutch Hill parking lot, 1950's(?) Photo contributed by Steve Eccher.

Dutch Hill parking lot, 2018. Photo by Bill Beattie.
Where is Dutch Hill?
Dutch Hill is in the village of Heartwellville in the town of Readsboro, Vermont, on the east side of Routes 100 and 8. Parking is along the highway directly across from the entrance to the Alpenwald neighborhood. It's about 1.3 miles west of the Route 100/8 split.
There's a kiosk in the parking lot with a trail map and other info, so if you find that you'll know you're in the right place. Please park on the same side of the highway as the kiosk. Do not park on the other side, in the neighborhood parking lot where the school bus turns around and neighbors park to get their mail.

How do you get to Dutch Hill? Use Mattenberg Ave, Readsboro, VT to navigate via your GPS. Dutch Hill is across the highway from Mattenberg Ave and the Alpenwald neighborhood. Help us be good neighbors by parking on the east side (mountain side) of Route 100/8 not in the mail box parking/school bus turnaround for the neighborhood.

Where is Dutch Hill?
Most decidedly in the snow belt!
Here's a photo from March 2018. There was good snow everywhere in Vermont that month, but the snowfall at Dutch Hill was just about the deepest in the state. The cover meant the good skiing lasted into April. The DHASH President even skied at Dutch Hill on May 1 that year.